getting kicked outta clinician's office is a success story *more posters + piano punk

12 hours ago

hobo hat
i can't not rock back n forth
i dunno how people stand still when they play an instrument *or do anything really
so much energy for such a tiny ass thang
a lotta self-control. also no desire to eat
i eat like a little babeh bird
those that lack self-control (and typically very insecure) have a major problem w/ yours
what fills me up is the Lord n i don't expect you to ever get why
they are jealous but they're too ashamed to just admit it, also they dunno why they are jealous
can you tell that i love doin this shit
uh oh! i did it again (NOT a mason)
i wonder if they're having a contest to see how many x each of em can do a free mason symbol
i really need to do a poster on masonry
donald trump IS a magician
the baby blue really pops out, also i love the orange on orange
i genuinely love what i do, i enjoy it very much
it will always be more of the same shit (speaking of trump)
you are the true
usa is cult country, i mean obviously
the democrats are in a death cult which is why they can't wait for the next mass shooting that they can pretend to care about
will they ever stop yapping? no.
this one is devoted to trump, i even said that on the back, if i ever meet him i will give this to him
the "news" has always been fake...b&w for a reason
"they" are not going anywhere...talking about the jews
saying no feels good. do it as much as possible
two fer cos some people need an explanation here
tik tok IS a psych op (much like the "news" media)
everyone seems to be totally fine w/ being a lab rat
man i am so funny right now
nobody values their life if they are wasting away watching tv all the damn time
self-awareness is personal empowerment...tell females
hope? nope, the phones destroyed that (for yawl)
still have a flip phone cos i dig my prefrontal cortex
another poster devoted to women...attention strongly resembles $ (why they won't shut up)
trying to set the world right via whatever means
it ain't much but it's all i got (it's actually quite a lot amy hahaha)
you pay them to get it wrong (pink n green for a reason)
hating yourself ain't cool WHITE people (everyone else is allowed to hate themselves cos you are not supreme)
you should love yourselves just becuz you're human n not hate anyone for race or anything else outta a person's control
they really will beLIEve anything
lies are of darkness which is why women are in such a bad place right now, spiritually (i mean they kinda sorta always have been tho)
i will hopefully be able to reach some of them, most of em have fallen by the waste side
the "rumors" are true it's the jews (devoted to nick fuentes, the ONLY political commentator talking about this shit)
not much of a secret tho, star of david wallpaper everywhere we go if only society would notice
this is what chu get ( is mthisainly me lashing out at society for choosing smart phones, i will say that here shortly)
i did seven posters tonight
THE most important msg of my airquotes "career"
the best way to say fuck you is to be happy
don't let THE MAN get chu down
YOU give a fuck cos you watch this channel
you gotta be the best of the best, i'm sure of it
yawl did this to yourselves (once again...smartphones)
i am so bored, very similar to another poster that i did last year that said, who else is bored? that another comic bought from me for $6 the last night of standup comedy @ twin kegs 2
throw pennies at me damnit
yawl couldn't possibly be bored if you're still here, i mean why would you stick around
nick is NOT a neo nazi! ag would not support such a person!
it's okay tho ANYONE can be labelled a neo nazi at this point since nobody knows what anything is anymore!
smartphones have turned everyone's brain into a landfill
i'd rather listen to nick fuentes...exactly
people need to learn how to agree to disagree
we need not fight over petty shit esp now
one of the perks of schizophrenia is a kaleidoscope brain
i dis the world with ease...schizophrenia is underrated
free mason celebration coming right up (superbowl sunday)
all the games are rigged
pretty gay to watch sports on tv anyway, if you like sports go watch a high school football game n MAYBE that one won't be rigged
ronnit was dead asleep but it helped me out
a.d.d. trick ADD a person (body double) GET IT
if there's somebody else there you can stay focused
this one is devoted to john hickok, a colleague of mine who used to host this mic @ twin kegs 2 (he has since moved to chicago)'s a gun channel on yt
people that are obsessed w/ the 2nd A n still have yet to kill a child molester...
you are wasting all that ammo (i mean)
if it's the end of the world why shoot a tree trunk
the 2nd A COULD have solved a lotta problems had people known how to use it right
it's well beyond corrupt wouldn't ya say
in case you are concerned, we do not have a gun becuz we don't want one (not a fan)
people are too docile to do anything (that's why the show law & order exists)
it's either watch tv or watch tv
the AI bots were bound to happen at some point
i hated the movie her when i watched it at first but it was actually pretty good
reactions are good if they involve art
leaving is definitely a reaction
if you don't leave first
19:30 is the best
everybody is a walking talking example of pudding
i'm not on coke, my brain is already pretty up there
schizophrenia definitely passes the time
i know how to get along now
as if the world ever did anything to actually help
i got too excited playing it too fast
staying all to make a mockery of whatever you see (as if i don't already do that)
damn that clickey sound
it's nowhere near as bad as it could be (my comment section)
can yawl see me losing my train of thought
that flute sound is so fucking adorable
i can't be told cos i tell on myself (i'll do it til i'm old, well older)
i will be forty later this year, that's so crazy
i feel more like 800 thousand years old
i am in the Psalms. i can't not be everywhere all at once
i don't think this is a bad thing *thrice
i've done what they told me to do n they failed me
they don't want shit to do w/ you if you know yourself cos they know they are useless
just know your constitutional rights
know things n the "authority" will typically be impressed (if they are a decent person)
so terrible all the way around
it makes me sick to know that most people don't have any desire to know themselves
this is why "doctors" are so popular, they can keep doin it (ad infinitum)
society thinks they need sumin n that's all it takes to do sumin utterly stupid *heavy metal jabs
INTERESTING...very true, i love how i crack myself up
it's weird but kinda cool the way i sing when i get in a certain mood
everything i do is mildly to moderately annoying
why feel sorry for me, keeping myself mindFULLY entertained
YOU need this n that in order to gaslight yourself into thinking you are interesting
your life ain't worth talkin about
it's a different new jersey for everyone, this internet business
i really don't watch very much content (mainly cos i have too much shit to do)
can't chu see how very entertaining we are over here
it's never as cool as being w/ me in my most natural setting, it's okay we forgive ya, ta-ta
sorry if this is too redundant, but at least it's a better kinda redundant than the one you are getting everywhere else
i hope my little corner of the world on this here internet is the best
too creepy for me, bye yawl

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