Holly McFague Schrepfer (Chris Benoit's neighbor) 911 Call

15 hours ago

Holly McFague Schrepfer (Chris Benoit's neighbor) 911 Call

TIME OF CALL 2:48 p.m. ET


Instead of calling/waiting for some sort of animal control unit, neighbor Holly Schrepfer was sent by police to control the Benoits' guard dogs and enter the house, where she found the bodies. She ran out of the house, screaming, and ended up leaving Georgia to avoid the media for the next few weeks.

1.) Holly McFague Schrepfer Is also a Childhood Friend of Kevin Sullivan or maybe a family member

2.) The woman who found Benoit's bodies has a criminal record: https://www.wrestlingforum.com/threads/woman-who-found-beniot-bodies-has-criminal-record-and-two-names.628278/

3.) The police, fearing the dogs, opted against calling animal control. Instead, they enlisted the help of Holly McFague, the Benoits' neighbor and a friend to the dogs, to enter the house. Inside, she discovered the bodies, fled in terror, and raised the alarm. Subsequently, she traveled to Boston, sought legal counsel, and has remained out of contact since. It's worth noting she had keys to the house and often cared for the dogs while the family was away.

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