Important Do's and Don'ts for Fever Management

1 month ago

Fever can often be a sign of an underlying illness, so it's important to manage it properly for your health.

How to manage fever?
• Stay hydrated.
• Take adequate rest.
• If you notice skin rashes or experience symptoms like eye pain, thigh pain and severe body pain, it can be viral fever. Hence consult with a doctor immediately.
• Do not take over-the-counter medications.
• Don’t ignore any warning symptoms like headache with confusion, breathing difficulty and more.
• Even after following the basic health tips for fever, if it persists for 2-3 days or the temperature reaches above 101°C, consult with a doctor without delay.

Watch Dr. R. Shanmugasundaram of Kauvery Hospital, one of the best General physicians in Salem walk you through the essential tips for fever recovery.

Watch This Video on YouTube:

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