Sue Reid

1 month ago

Sue Reid is Special Investigations Editor at the best-selling London Daily Mail which has a worldwide media presence. One of the most experienced journalists of our times, Sue has witnessed the changing face of Britain first hand over 40 years.

She has also worked throughout the world on foreign assignments and masterminded ground-breaking investigations into the mysterious deaths of government scientist David Kelly and Princess Diana. 'There were motives to murder both,' she says. 'Official inquiries into the deaths were a whitewash.'.

Sue has broken extraordinary stories of the first man on the pill, the stolen children of the Haiti earthquake and what billions of dollars of aid money meant for Haitians disappeared from there. Her firsts have included the triumph of the world's first surrogate grandmother who carried her own daughter's triplets successfully.

She has campaigned for the forgotten British working class to be given a voice and a respected place in society.

She wants the end of British secret family courts where children are wrongly taken from innocent or vulnerable mothers on the say so of dubious social workers and naive judges to feed the money-making private adoption agencies. 'A trade in babies is happening at full speed hidden from all prying eyes. Those who speak face prison.'

As a first woman editor in Fleet Street at 36, she broke the scandal of the 120 children in Cleveland, in the north of England, removed from their homes on the say so of two maverick doctors who said their own loving mothers and fathers had abused them.

Fifteen years ago Sue was the first journalist to break the horrifying story which shames Britain: the mass rapes of young white girls by gangs of South Asian men in Britain. Now it turns out 250,000 children have been sexually abused. And it could be one million.

Above all, Sue has exposed the downside of mass uncontrolled immigration to Britain and Europe. She was on the front line in 2015 as the floodgates opened in Italy, Greece, France and Germany reporting then that the West could never recover from the numbers of people from a different culture coming in. She predicted the devastating outcome of this multi-cultural experiment. It harmed almost everyone it touched from genuine refugees (who were elbowed aside in the rush of economic migrants and often rogues) to the welcoming receiving nations which now face cultural clashes, internal religious sectarian strife, and rising gun and knife crime as civilised society collapses in London, Berlin. Paris, Stockholm and Rome. 'We are afraid to walk outside our front doors after dark. A New Year celebration in a city square risks rape for a woman'.

She welcomes the truths now emerging from America on mass misuse of foreign aid money, the so called covid pandemic and what she calls the evils of the transgender cult inflicted on our children. 'Conspiracy theories are coming true - ordinary people and journalists so long condemned as liars are being listened to at last. And that is a good thing."

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