The 10 Most Renowned Ladies of the Last 100 Years ⏳🌍 ✨

20 days ago

The 10 Most Renowned Ladies of the Last 100 Years** 👩‍🎓👑🌍

History isn’t just written by men—it’s been shaped, shaken, and revolutionized by powerful women! In this video, we celebrate **10 incredible ladies** who changed the world in the last 100 years. From politics to science, activism to adventure, these women have left a lasting impact that continues to inspire generations.

From Indira Gandhi 🇮🇳 and Margaret Thatcher 🇬🇧 leading nations to Oprah Winfrey 🇺🇸 redefining media, and Marie Curie 🇵🇱🇫🇷 breaking barriers in science—these women didn’t just make history, they rewrote it!
Which of these amazing women inspires you the most? Drop your thoughts in the comments! 💬👇 And don’t forget to LIKE 👍, SUBSCRIBE 🔔, and SHARE for more amazing content fromTerry’s Diverse Horizons!

#WomenInHistory #InspiringWomen #PowerfulWomen #Top10 #TerryDiverseHorizons #HistoricalIcons #FemininePower #HerStory #BreakingBarriers #WomenWhoChangedTheWorld #Trailblazers #MarieCurie #OprahWinfrey #MotherTeresa #MalalaYousafzai**

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