Mark 15 & 16 – Why did Messiah refuse the wine mixes with myrrh? 2017

1 month ago

Mark 15:23
And they tried to give Him wine mixed with myrrh; but He did not take it.

The one act of sympathy given to a crucified man was to give him a concoction of wine mixed with myrrh which would deaden some of the pain. It has been taught that Yeshua refused this so that He might have a clear mind during this experience. This[1] stupefying drink was made available to crucified criminals by the women of Jerusalem in order to deaden the pain somewhat. Jesus refuses the drink, choosing to encounter whatever He must meet and experience with a clear mind. Note from Believers Study Bible Mark 15:23 However, that is not the reason Yeshua refused the drink. He refused it because He took the Nazirite vow earlier.

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