Revealing God's 2 Witnesses - The Foundation - (PART 1)

1 month ago

As it is written, according to the book of Revelations Chapter 11, in the last days, God will give POWER to his two witnesses, also known as the 2 Olive Trees. During the 1,260 days or 3.5 years of their testimony, they will be prophesying, shutting the heavens up from rain, turning water into blood and smiting the earth with ALL plagues without limit. Anyone who tries to harm them will be burnt with fire that comes out of their mouths and they MUST die in that manner.

After their days of testifying are done, the beast from the bottomless pit will rise, kill them and make war with them; their lifeless bodies will lay in the streets as the world celebrates. However, after 3.5 days, the spirit of life from God will enter into them and they will stand upon their feet and then ascend into heaven while a GREAT EARTHQUAKE slays 7,000 men. Who are these 2 witnesses? In this video series, we will explore and reveal who these 2 Olive Trees are by rightly dividing the WORD OF GOD with at least 2 to 3 witness accounts provided in the bible. Let God be true and every man a lie, for his word contained in his scriptures should speak for itself. Enjoy!

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