What’s a “Mary” Priestess? What’s a “Magdalene” Priestess?

1 month ago

What’s a “Mary” Priestess? What’s a “Magdalene” Priestess? And Could This Be a Path for YOU?

In this masterclass, learn about the existence of the Sacred Order of the Marys and the Magdalenes, a priestesshood led by the women who bore those names ~ but one that also transcends time and place. Find out what these sacred name-titles meant… and still mean… and how and why now is the time that the door to this free and non-dogmatic order is opening once more.

What is the exciting role of the “Mary” and the “Magdalene” today? How do you know if you’re being called to be one? What does this priestess path entail, how can it be freely entered with no onerous strings attached, and what does it take to cultivate oneself on this road? How can it serve your own evolutionary spiritual growth and enhance your service in the world ~ in complementary fashion with all that you are and all that you already know? What promise does it offer your life and our earth family?


👉 Registration is NOW open for the Mary & Magdalene Priestess Training starting September 10 @ https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/mary-magdalene-priestess-training/

👉 Purchase Marguerite’s book, The Secret Life of Mother Mary from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Life-Mother-Mary-Planetary/dp/1591435242?&linkCode=sl1&tag=dove08a-20&linkId=e1e5318668bf9523f9552aea1058d6cc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

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