Reverend Billy Graham to Richard Nixon: 2 groups of Jews. One group is the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

1 month ago

Reverend Billy Graham to Richard Nixon: 2 groups of Jews. One group is the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

This recording is 50+ years ago before Richard Nixons 2nd term (1972) as President. An audio recording between Reverend Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon.

Reverend Billy Graham "the bible makes the distinction Mr President between 2 groups of Jews. One is called the SYNAGUE OF SATAN. There are 2 different kinds of those people in the latter days, its called the remnants of Gods people, which will be Jewish people. And then there is the SYNAGUE OF SATAN. And nearly all your religious deceptions in the latter days"

"What they call the SYNAGUE OF SATAN. In other words, they are ENERGIZED by a SUPERNATURAL POWER called the DEVIL. This is what the bible teaches. Whether you believe it or don't believe it".

"And I believe that THEY have a strange BRILLIANCE about them"

President Richard Nixon "Oh, that's why they.... because they're SMART!!!

Reverend Billy Graham "They are SMART, and they are ENERGIZED in my judgement, by a SUPERNATURAL POWER.

President Richard Nixon "Well also they do something else, they are not only SMART...

Reverend Billy Graham "And of course Hitler didn't ... they had a stranglehold on Germany. On the banking of Germany, on EVERYTHING in Germany"

President Richard Nixon "And the MEDIA!!!"

Reverend Billy Graham "And the media. They had the whole thing you see and he (Hitler) went about it wrong but this stranglehold has got to be broken or this country is going to go down the drain

President Richard Nixon "You believe that?"

Reverend Billy Graham "Yes sir"

President Richard Nixon "Good lord. I can't ever say it, but I believe it"

Reverend Billy Graham "No, but if you get elected a second time we might be able to do something"

But President Richard Nixon was forced to resign 2 years into his second term after the watergate coverup. 50 years later and the control is complete as they begin their planned genocide of the Goyim.

This is the same stuff the Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Rachel on Oprah talked about saying her family has practiced this since the 1700's to gain POWER.,Jewish-Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-Survivor:b

And what Ex Dutch banker Ronald Bernard talked about these Zionist Jews at the top of the financial world playing both sides of every conflict off against each other (Divide & Conquer) and that child sacrifice was their ritual practice to gain more MONEY & POWER. Totally PSYCHOPATHIC BEINGS possessed by SATAN.

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