Juice Box Boogie: Full Metal Ox Day 1445

1 month ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1445
Wednesday 12, February 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1510
**Noxsoma Life Camp: https://noxsoma.substack.com/

Juice Box Boogie

Today I am unyoking myself from a completely self limiting "standard" requiring the titles of this series to make any sense or have something to do with what the heck we're talking about. Arguably, this may have started yesterday. It's part of some sort of liberation.

Liberation from what?

Liberation from the confines of language and some sort of "requirement" to be understood by talking. It's a rebellion. A revolution. But it will be quelled quickly because talk is what I do. Ha ha.

Long before... I don't know exactly before what, but long before something I realized that humans were once telepathic, or communicated instinctively rather than with words, and as words and talking came into "vogue" so to speak, humans became confused. Tower of Babel style.

One of the reasons that the bible is so full of stuff that doesn't make sense is because it was mistranslated by a civilization whose language had a fraction of the words in its vocabulary as the civilization (that they copied it from) had. Make sense? (See, there's a good example. I don't think I structured that sentence correctly.)

Let's "imagine" (people these days like imagining) - that the original text described a great escape across a body of water. The original text was elaborate and precise, but the semi-literate translators only got the gist, so they decide to write something like, "God parted the seas, which enabled our escape..." and embellished the rest.

Which account survived?

English is the junk yard of languages, pulling parts from Danish, German, Latin, Greek, & Sanskrit so that you have words that sound like they start with S,F, or T, that all start with the letter P! Among others hybrid words like "polyamory" (one of my favorite examples.)

So what's in a name... or a title as the case may be? I might be sniffing juice box fumes as I'm writing this. If you read it, have a giraffe. (IYKYK). LOL.


Today's Episode:

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Subscribe on https://noxsoma.substack.com/ Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]


SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/user/noxsoma

YouTube: Fortnight Fitness includes our three awesome training locations. The Gymmy Jamm (weight lifting & body building). Monkey Bars Business, outdoor bar work, pulls and dips, And the Park Workout which has become the exotic, single arm pull ups work, hybrid hanging, off balance push ups, leg work & two finger pull ups. There's also the Bulletproof Should Mobility sessions running for this entire year. (Barring any unforeseen issues.) The Fortnight package is exclusively on youtube.com/@noxsoma/videos. The Shoulder course is at noxsoma.substack.com. Drop by and check us out.

Spin Session - Gym Ep-14 Sat - https://youtu.be/J5zzZg-a6bY?si=1HGl1vSeRlMROxqe

Convergence - Gym Ep-13 Fri - https://youtu.be/jR8IeM3cEzo?si=0hqrzmE-p3z00AWm

Low Energy High Strength - MBB-4 (Wed) - https://youtu.be/J8iZJmQLRWs?si=bToibbPetGKE0dwH

Slap the Wall Park Session 8 - Mon - https://youtu.be/shcLCVyvBKE?si=z5GbGNM7vCPh06nq

Leg Bomb/Chest Sat Ep-12 - https://youtu.be/O3BEkXTVK-c?si=MResHPoCFRt41hss

Better than Expected: Gymmy Jamm Ep 11 (Fri) - https://youtu.be/BtaKroRnf5E?si=VveLlNHvA0-mmTtI

Enhanced Performance MBB 03 - (Wed) - https://youtu.be/AY2_oBcy0T8?si=KmO2twQVtjbAkIdr

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Living is the best part of life.

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