What we Eat In A Daily bases fuly explained ✅....

20 days ago

I like to think of maingaining as a type of body recomposition where your goal is to maintain your bodyweight while gaining strength, and ideally, some muscle mass as well. For me that usually comes toward the end of an extended bulk, before starting a cut, but you can always just ride the maingain or recomp wave as long as it's working for you. I think it's better done at a moderate to slightly higher bodyfat percentage, in the 10-20% zone as a male or the 20-30% zone as a female. The closer you are to your natural genetic ceiling, the more necessary bulking phases become to add muscular size and the more you'll probably want to maingain at the slightly higher end of the bodyfat range, assuming your main goal is to make lean gains in strength and size.

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