Follow The Buck Sign | Maine Deer Season 2024

4 days ago

As we talk about much of the time (we sound like a broken record 😁), hunting the big woods in northern Maine is tough with no snow. If you enjoy deer tracking as much as I do, you understand there is nothing like tracking down a big buck on snow. But what to do until the snow comes? Well, big bucks still leave sign. It's our job to find it, follow it and spend as much time as possible in those areas they frequent. It's not always as fun or exciting, but it's one way to be successful on bare ground and also gives you a place to look for a big buck track when the snow finally does fly.

So far, this season, we have been spending our time in the area(s) big bucks are hanging out and finding new areas that hold big bucks. It can be a grind with no snow in the big woods. But heck, I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing in November! Enjoy!

#bigbucks #deerhunting #hunting


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