Ponta Delgada Walkingtour on crazy Weather Sunday, Sao Miguel Azores Portugal - 09.02.2025 #weather

1 month ago

This week the weather in Ponta Delgada is going crazy, a few minutes of heavy rain, sun, rain, sun, rain

Walking areas: Hospital Espirito Santo, Parque Urbano, Rua de Sao Gonçalo, Parque Atlântico

Ponta Delgada Cantar às Estrelas⭐ Sing to the Stars🌟 4K Part 1 - 01.02.2025 https://rumble.com/v6g9oz1-ponta-delgada-cantar-s-estrelas-sing-to-the-stars-4k-part-1-sao-miguel-azor.html

Direct (recorded Livestream) from Ponta Delgada, island of Sao Miguel / Azores in the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/Azoreslive

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