Supported 10 - February - 2025

1 month ago

EVOLOVE Snappets! An Analogy here for snappets:- One of the coolest experiences when playing with Snappets is that you build the joys (BLISS) ie:- your-self! Snappets come into existence into what may be perceived by others or self as a 'flat or folded sheet of heavy duty paper' - ie:-perception - Each in a gifted by our ancestors DNA dance - and perforated exactly where you need to pop onto - HERE and NOW for you to bring out you. POPPED onto the 3D World/whirled. Included here are super simple and fun insights shared via the energies of NOW, to walk/dance/sing/run/cry/fly/create with you the singular/unified multi dimensional self - selves. Building/growing - process of each moment of NOW shared and resonated within-without; as an imprint with-in eternity in the ever revealing moment of NOW. Share the co-creations of the eternal
NOW-WON-ONE and enjoy. The veil IS very thin with every moment NEW - KNEW - KNOWN. LOVE IS. EVOLOVE - the evolution of LOVE.

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