Confessions of a Christian woman 💬

27 days ago

1. I don't read my Bible every day. Have you ever started a reading plan or study and missed a day because you were busy, then didn't feel like catching up on yesterday's reading the next day, then pretty soon you haven't read in four days? 😬 Yeah, me too. You don't have to be religious about reading a chapter or more every single day. If all you can take in is one paragraph or one verse, do that. The point is to get the Word in your mind so you can meditate on it throughout your day, understand it's meaning, and apply it to your life. Have you read your Bible today? If not, you clearly have time right now! 👀

2. My prayer life needs some work. Maybe you can relate: I start my praying for a few people close to me, then maybe for some things I need help with, then I have an idea for a project at work, then I get hungry, and sleepy, and all of a sudden I've drifted off. 🥱 Try keeping a prayer journal and write down your prayers each time. It helps me concentrate on my train of thought. I also like to pray Scripture over people and even myself. Take the passage you read during your quiet time and pray God's Words back to Him.

3. I haven't memorized Scripture in a while. Word-for-word passage memorization is hard and let's be honest, feels like too much work. 😮‍💨 Don't pick Psalm 119 right off the bat, instead start small. Write down your verse and put it somewhere you'll see it each day. Give yourself time. Repetition is key. Read it over and over and soon enough, you'll find that you don't have to look at the paper as often.

4. I'm not a huge fan of pop Christian music. There, I said it 🤷‍♀️ If you're like me and just can't get into some of the newer stuff out there, find alternatives. It's not always easy, but there is at least one Christian artist who plays a genre of music that you do actually like. Don't give up and settle for secular lyrics. Your mind feeds on what you listen to more than you realize and you can definitely tell a difference in your mood and mindset when you start to listen to enjoyable music that also glorifies God!

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