Germany (Like All People) Should Celebrate Their Accomplishments, Not Just Focus On Their Failures

1 month ago

Elon Musk:

"It is obviously easy to straw man my statement, which is what he's done, to say that, you know, that that, what that that we should flip from entirely, a a sort of a where where we sort of torture, young children in Germany with with nothing but guilt, to saying, oh, we should completely ignore the sins of Nazi Germany. I have said, obviously, neither of those things."

"What I have said is that it we we we should not be torturing children in Germany, and and telling them that Germany is the worst country in the world, and that is all they are taught. And they are taught nothing about, you you know, the the the the great things that Germany has done in the past."

"And that the that Germany cannot be defined, and children whose great grandparents may not have even been Nazis, are told that Germany is the worst country that has ever existed and faced the earth, and they must live with nothing but guilt and shame."

"This is wrong. This is me this does not what I'm not saying is that that Nazism should be ignored. I've I've never said that. But I am saying that the tremendous, cultural history of of Germany, is is incredible."

"If you think of the the great philosophers, the great composers, the incredible contributions in terms of engineering and science that Germany has made, including for those of the of Jewish people in Germany, who have you know, Einstein, you know, good example. These these things should be celebrated, not to the exclusion of the Nazis, not to ignore it, but not to say that this is all Germany is about is absurd and false."

"Okay. And so so people should be proud of the great things that Germany has done, proud of the the the the that that Germany is an an ancient nation, thousands of years old, that was the the one of the few, nations to actually resist incorporation into the Roman Empire. Actually, go back two thousand years ago, even Rome could not defeat Germany."

"Rome was the most powerful empire in the world at the time, but could not defeat could not defeat Germany. They gave up. So, once we once we need to understand the full context of German history, the great things as well as the terrible things. And, you know, when you look at, say, America, like, what happened to the native people of America? Where are they?"

"What happened to the native people of Judea before, the Jewish people got there? Where are they? So at some point, the things cannot be simply about terrible things that have been done. The terrible things must be learned, but also the good things."


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