The Itchy Frog's Quest for a Scratch!

1 month ago

The prickly swallowed his saliva and greeted Mrs. Elephant. Do you think the prickly was a hedgehog?
The prickly was a frog that was always itchy.
Mrs. Elephant said: "What's wrong?"
The prickly said: "Can you scratch my back...?"
Mrs. Elephant said: "I don't have a scratching finger, I can only give an elephant massage!"
The frog reached Mr. Snake and said with fear and trembling: "Can you scratch my back?"
Mr. Snake thought and said: "I don't have a scratching finger, I can do two things, I can give a snake massage and eat you!":
The frog ran away and went and went. Until he reached the hedgehog and said: "Can you scratch my back...?"
; But by seeing the hedgehog's thorns, he realized that he could only prick his body." He got tired, sat under a tree and rubbed his back against the rough trunk of the tree.
The little sparrow came down from the top of the tree and said: "What are you doing, frog?" The frog said: "My back is itching! No one has a scratching finger!" The sparrow showed his little paw to the frog and said: "Is this good? Is this a scratcher?"
The frog was happy and said: "Yes. I think it is!" The sparrow started scratching the frog's back. The frog kept saying: "Ouch! Ouch! This side, ouch! That side!" And little by little his itch got better and he said to the sparrow: "Now what can I do for you? You scratch so well?"
The sparrow said: "I just built a nest, my shoulders and back hurt a little; but I don't think you can do anything!" The frog showed his hands to the sparrow and said: "Of course I can!" With his cupping fingers, he cupped the sparrow's shoulders and back and gave a frog massage. The sparrow kept saying: "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

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