Patriot Punkcast #82 - TN Dems try to NUKE DOGE & Legalize POT

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TN Rep Files the STOP ELON Act, State Senator proposes legalizing Marijuana, another Bill is being proposed to charge gun owners who leave their gun in plain sight, and a whole bunch more!

Joining me tonight is Charles Cook from the Charles Cook podcast.

Never Mind the Bollocks, Watch the Patriot Punkcast!

TAGS: Elon, DOGE, Tennessee, Marijuana, Legalize It, Cohen, Pot, TN Laws, Gun Owners, GOA, TFA, Tennessee Firearms Association, Patriot Punk, Gun Laws, Gun Locks, Stolen Guns, Crime and Punishment, Crimes, True Crime, Knives, Gun Crime, Criminals, Judicial System, Cancel Culture, Patriot Punk Cancelled, Podcasts, Patriot Punkcast, Punkcast, Patriot Punk Podcast

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