Deck Showcase: BRS - PRE | Pikachu

1 month ago

My deck showcase for Pikachu ex BRS - PRE (F Block and On).

With a lot of untested formats, you get pretty hard formats to deck build in. Pikachu ex came out as the "leveller" for the format, to level out all the decks in the format, but it didn't catch. Regidrago and Charizard still were dominating events.

This doesn't show that Pikachu, despite it's impressive stat line, wasn't a good deck. Pikachu ex has a lot of support, and as a result, can succeed, given the right environment.

A lot of testing groups have been focusing on winning events, and as a result, didn't take the risk of levelling out the format to make it easier for better testing groups to win and more budding testing groups to get intel on the game to win later. So nobody took a chance building a consistent Pikachu ex list and bringing it to an event. This is my contribution to giving testing groups ideas to work with.

Thanks for listening, and I hope you continue to support my work.

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