The Life of Dave

1 month ago

Director and producer Jonathan Smith’s film portrait of former MI5 officer, whistleblower, tranny and self-proclaimed Prophet, David Shayler.
Part 1: the Debrief looks at Dave’s early years, his recruitment into the secret world of MI5; his role in countering terrorist threats from Libya and the IRA; the misinformation about the Lockerbie attack; why he quit the service when MI6 funded a terrorist attack; blowing the whistle in the Mail on Sunday; life on the run; and life in hiding from the secret state. It also examines the personal side of his story, including his relationship with Annie Machon. It closes with Dave’s arrest at the hands of the French secret police, the DST, leaving him languishing in a prison cell.
Part 2 opens with Dave in a French prison cell, not knowing whether his disclosures about MI6 funding Al Qaeda have come out. It recounts his prison experiences; his release by the French courts on political grounds; life in Paris as an exile; his return to the UK, trial, imprisonment again, his disillusionment with politics, his getting the truth about 9/11 out to a mainstream audience, his falling out with the 9/11 Truth movement and Annie, coming to a finale with his journey to and anointment as Christ.
Part 3 moves the action into the present, looking at Dave’s life as a modern prophet living outside the system and his efforts to bring the Law to a wider audience. Starting in a caravan next to Runnymede Eco Village, the action takes us on the road as Dave gives talks and submits affidavits to the Queen while avoiding the attentions of the police and psychiatrists. It also focuses on Dave’s private life, his time spent as Dolores Kane, his tranny alter ego, and the mainstream media’s coverage of his circumstances. The denouement follows his efforts to alert politicians and journalists to the secret state’s connection to the Manchester bombing on 22nd May 2017.


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