80's & 90's Freestyle Video Mix Part 2

1 month ago

Shannon- “Let the Music Play”
Nancy Martinez- “For Tonight”
Sandee- “Notice Me”
Cynthia- “Love me Tonight”
Sweet Sensation- “Take it while it’s hot”
Exo-“ Why did you do it”
Judy Torres - “Love you will love me”
Cynthia- “Change on me”
Tiana- “First True Love”
Tonasia- “Wondering”
T.K.A.- “You are the one”
Stevie B- “Dreaming of love”
Judy Torres- “Come into my arms”
The Cover Girls- “Show Me”
T.K.A.- “X-Ray Vision”
Noel- “Like a Child”
Trinere- “All Night”
Information Society- “What’s on your mind”
Shana- “I want you”
Soave- “If you want me”
Cynthia - “Endless Night”
Johnny O.- “Highways of Love”
Johnny O.- “Fantasy Girl”
Cynthia & Johnny O.-“Dream boy/Dream Girl
April- “Someone to Hold”
Eileen- “I have Dreams”
Nyasia- “Who’s got your love”
Debbie Deb- “When I Hear Music”

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