Found this while rock climbing in Ohio! 😯

1 month ago

🔥GOAT RESCUE MISSION? 🐐 | Lake Vesuvius Camping & Climbing Adventure

Join us for an unforgettable camping trip to Lake Vesuvius in Wayne National Forest, Ohio! We squeezed in one last rock climbing session before winter, but our adventure took an unexpected turn when we discovered what we thought to be a stranded baby goat on a cliff! 😱

🧗‍♂️ Rock Climbing & Bouldering at Lake Vesuvius: We explore the awesome climbing and bouldering spots around the lake, showing you some of the best routes and views.

🥾 Hiking Around Lake Vesuvius: Enjoy the stunning scenery of Wayne National Forest as we hike the trails surrounding the beautiful Lake Vesuvius.

🏕️ Lake Vesuvius Camping: Get a glimpse of our camping setup and experience the beauty of camping in Wayne National Forest.

🐐 Goat Rescue Mission: Our climbing trip turned into a rescue mission! We spotted a goat stuck halfway up a cliff and knew we had to help. Watch as we hike around the lake and I rappel down to the goat's ledge. Will we be able to rescue it? Find out in this heartwarming and suspenseful adventure!

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Gear I used in this video! ☕🧗 #commissionsearned

Camping stove

Cooking pot

French Press

Black Diamond for my harness, shoes, and rappel device! Trustworthy rock climbing gear! Love em!

96ft Static Rope for my anchor

Rope protector

Edelrid steel-plated carabiner

Camp (brand) carabiners what we used for our toprope anchor.

Gri Gri 2 the device we both used to belay each other. A great tool for beginners!

Rappelling Gloves

Wanna check out more of the gear I use? Then go to my Storefront!

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