February 9, 2025 - God's Choosing Purpose

1 month ago

God does elect

God does choose people for service and people for His purpose

Israel was chosen, with a mission to tell the world about Messiah

This is not about individual election!

We must know the take home message for today:
THE GOSPEL - God's Power To Save Man(kind)
God's Word Did Not Fail, His Purpose Was Fulfilled Through Israel - (6-13)
The significance of the illustrations of Isaac & Ishmael, and Jacob & Esau (7-13): "God's right to choose the lineage through which the promise would be fulfilled for the promised seed - Christ and those in Him."

God Chose The Head: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
Corporate Election
National Israel - Deuteronomy 7:6,7, Deuteronomy 26:8

Were all Israel saved?

Who was saved?
A remnant of true Israel was saved by faith in Messiah, just like the true Christian

Who are those of the promise (Galatians 3: 28-29)?
The children of the promise are all in Christ who are Abraham’s seed and heirs of the promise

What is the promise?
All those in Christ are heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant - Salvation by faith in Messiah

The Gospel - God's Power To Save Man(kind)
The election of God in Romans 9 is of the ethnic nation of Israel and the preservation of the Messianic lineage?
The purpose is to extend God's mercy to ALL men (mankind) - Titus 2:11, 12

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