Washington Priest Attacked As Prayer Service Collapses Into Chaos

1 month ago

♱ Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane
♱ St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Spokane

♱ A Catholic priest was attacked by a “disturbed gentleman” during a prayer service in Washington state as the peaceful ceremony collapsed into chaos on Tuesday.

The Rev. David Gaines, parochial vicar at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes in Spokane, Wash., was praying alongside Bishop Thomas Daly when the man launched his attack.

The assault occurred during the church’s second night the Lourdes Novena for Healing, a series of nine days of prayers for healing culminating with the Feast of the Lady of Lourdes, the patron saint of healing, peace and the sick.

♱ ‘We’re Dying, But They’re Rising’: American Lutheran Church Sells to Ethiopian Orthodox congregation
♱ ‘እኛ እየሞትን ነው ፥ እነርሱ ግን እየተነሱ ነው!’ በአሜሪካዋ ዋሽንግተን ግዛት በስፖኬን ከተማ የሚገኘው ታሪካዊ የሉተራን ቤተክርስቲያን ሕንፃውን ለኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሸጠች።

♱ Though their prayers came from the depths of a church basement, God heard the appeals for a new place of worship.

The congregation of St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church had been worshipping in the basement of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church for more than four years until their ranks outgrew the small sanctuary.

Asking God for answers, the congregation searched for a new space until they struck a deal with their upstairs neighbors, with Messiah already intending to close its church after 73 years in North Spokane.

Though Messiah mourned the loss of its church-home, each party considers the sale an act of God.

“It’s only right,” said Messiah Pastor Bob Kenyon. “Seems to me that’s really the way it should be.”

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