Piano FUN Method Part 2 - Online Piano Lessons (Volume 1 Part 2)

1 day ago

PART 2: Piano F.U.N. Method Volume I (PARTS 1 - 3) available through online video viewing/streaming on Rumble. You are about to save thousands of dollars on lessons and hundreds of hours of study! While traditional lessons can be helpful and meaningful, if you learn the Piano F.U.N. Method first, it will truly enhance and make more enjoyable your traditional lesson experience AND IT IS FREE!!!

Charts for F.U.N. Method - companion to the video course (downloadable pdf file format available on the website www.pianofunmethod.com)

Volume I Charts - These corresponding charts to Volume I (Parts 1 - 3) will give you (very simply) an ability to accompany yourself (or others) in any key that you are likely to encounter. These charts are available to download so you can have them for reviewing at your piano or keyboard.

Volume II Charts - These corresponding charts to Volume II (Parts 4 - 7) will help you in navigating through different ways of playing the chords learned in Piano Fun Method Volume I. Again, available to download for your enjoyment and convenience.

Inversion Chart - This chart is very helpful for those that are working on Volume 2. The Inversion Chart can be used as a quick reference guide to help formulate inversions of chords in different keys for all your musical endeavors.

Good things to know about the F.U.N. Method - We used a 3 camera shoot at the time of filming with very high quality cameras. While the quality of the videos is excellent, since it was not shot in HD, we recommend viewing the F.U.N. Method Volume 1 and 2 on smaller screens (I.E. - smart phone, computer monitor, tablet, iPad or smaller TV screen). Watching the F.U.N. Method on a behemoth big screen TV will probably not be as enjoyable an experience. We feel that the filming and presentation of the F.U.N. Method is quite good and viewing it on a reasonable size screen will bring you great joy and fabulous information. HAVE FUN!

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