All Things Spiritual-Revelation 10

1 month ago

In Revelation 10:1, a mighty angel, dressed in a cloud and rainbow, appeared, resembling the sun and pillars of fire. He had a book in his hand and walked on the sea and earth, causing thunder to roar. The angel then swore that there would be no time, and that the mystery of God would be completed during the voice of the seventh angel. This vision was a revelation of Jesus Christ, who was portrayed as a mighty angel with a cloud covering his glory and a rainbow on his head. His face was bright and majesty, and his feet were like pillars of fire, showcasing his pure and steady grace and providence. He positioned himself on the sea and earth, demonstrating his absolute power and dominion over the world. The angel's voice was echoed by seven thunders, indicating seven solemn ways of discovering God's mind. The apostle was instructed to seal the revelations and not publish them.

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