Was Prophet Idris wish to prolong his life”

1 day ago

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Was Prophet Idris wish to prolong his life”

Asslamoalaikum viewers and listeners.

"Throughout history, there have been moments that defied the laws of nature, actions that inspired awe and reverence.
"From the parting of the seas to the resurrection of the dead, the stories of prophets and religious figures offer us profound lessons in faith, perseverance, and the power of the divine."
"In every corner of the world, these sacred events remind us that the divine is not just a concept, but an active force that shapes our lives, often in ways that words cannot fully describe."

"Join us in journey through these miraculous moments and get to know the events that continue to inspire and guide millions and billionor of people to this day."

"Today we are going to recount a hearttouching miracle, subject that Was Prophet Idris wish to prolong his life”

Prophet Idris is one of the earliest Prophets in the history of mankind. Of the 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran, Prophet Idris happens to be the second after Prophet Adam. According to some Islamic historians and commentators, he is the third, as they count Sheeth as the second Prophet, who was the third son of Prophet Adam. He is believed to be from the fifth generation of Prophet Adam. In the Bible, Prophet Idris is mentioned as Enoch, and the majority of Islamic scholars consider Enoch as Prophet Idris.

Prophet Idirs is mentioned twice in the Quran. Only 25 Prophets out of more than 124,000 are mentioned in the Quran by name. That reflects the importance and status of the Prophet Idris.

Prophet Idris (AS) was born during the lifetime of Prophet Adam (AS). He was amongst the followers of Sheeth (AS) and rules the children of Adam (AS) following the death of Sheeth (AS). Idris (AS) was a truthful, patient and extradorinaiy person, it is reported in a hadith by Adu-Dharr that Idris (AS) was the first person to introduce the art of reading and writing to mankind.

After the death of Sheath (AS), the people of Qabil (Cain) lost guidance, this caused sin and corruption to rapidly spread. Idris was not able to bear watching his own people falling prey to the tricks and influence of Shaytaan. So Allah instructed Idris (AS) to call for a holy war against the corrupt followers of Qabil (Cain).

As commanded by Allah, Idris (AS) gathered an army of men and battle in the name of Allah against the corruptors. His army emerged victorious.

One day, Prophet Idris (AS) was told by Allah that he would receive the rewards of all the good deeds performed by man each day till his last breath.

Idris (AS) was overjoyed by the news and thanked Allah for his blessings. Though, Idris (AS) was quite old and he did want to depart earth as he enjoyed spreading good and wanted to get the good deeds of Allah.

Idris (AS) is reported to have an angel friend, nobody knowns who this friend is specifically. He asked this angel to allow to to talk to the Angel of death and plead him to delay his heath. The angel anger and flew Idris (AS) to the fourth heaven to meet with the Angel of death.

The angel told the Angel of death, “Prophet Idris wants to know if you could prolong his life”. The Angel of death was stunned and asked, “And where is Idris?”. The angel responded, “He is upon my back”. The Angel of death replied, “How astonishing! I was sent and told to cease Idris’s soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how I could cease it in the fourth heaven when he was on earth. Subhanallah (glory be to God), He made it happen!”. As Allah has instructed the Angel of death, the soul of Idris (AS) was taken in the fourth heaven.

Following the death of the Prophet Idris (AS), corruption began the spread rapidly again. There was a period where many generations passed without prophetic guidance, the allowed for the emergence of polytheism (shirk).

Allah Hafiz

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