Babylon Falls! Part II

1 month ago

Ancient Babylon was a Great and Mighty Nation. Ruled by a ruthless tyrant filled with jealousy and pride. Once beloved by The MOST HIGH, but his hunger for power and his greed for wealth brought him to a dark and wicked place. He became filled with the lust for greater power that led him to want to be like The MOST HIGH and to even bE The MOST HIGH.

The Book of Genesis, Jasher, Jubilees, and Isaiah, spoke of ALOHIYM’s displeasure with the city's rampant idolatry, injustice, and unchecked lust for power. Our beloved prophets’ words carrying the weight of divine revelation, warned of the impending doom. They painted vivid pictures of the city’s fall, its mighty walls crumbling, its renowned Hanging Gardens wilting, and its mighty king Overthrown.
They spoke of the consequences of rejecting the MOST HIGH, emphasizing the necessity of repentance. Like today, their message fell on mostly deaf ears.
The Babylonian elite, blinded by their arrogance and wealth, dismissed his pronouncements as mere ramblings of fanatics.

YAH uses kings for HIS purposes. Like our beloved Prophet Daniel writes in-
Daniel 2:21
HE changes times and seasons; HE deposes kings and raises up others.
HE gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
YAHUAH punished the sons of Kana’an; HE destroyed their cities, HE used Esau to severed the head of Kush's son Nimrod.
The MOST HIGH will let nations, steal land, build their Towers and Cities..
HE gives them grace to Repent; but as history shows us; Power, Pride and the Lust for Power always win them over to darkness and wicked abominations;
Can this story relate to today?
Today most of the World speaks One Language and we are fast approaching One Religion and One Governance. There is nothing new under the sun!

Will YAHUAH will come down and repeat HIS judgement that was proclaimed thousands of years ago? We'll have to wait and see.

As I always say; do your own research!

All Praises to The MOST HIGH YAHUAH and Glory to our beloved HA’MASHIAHQ YAHUSHA our Future King!

Video by: Rayah Baqhar Baht Yahudah

I will never ask for money, gifts, or donations. I'm a servant of YAH and I serve HIM freely.
I'm Not affiliated with any religion, churches, ministries, assemblies, camps, cults, sects, orders, clubs, groups or folds.
I denounce any oaths, pledges or covenants, my parents, forefathers or ancestors made outside of YAH.
I ask for the MOST HIGH YAH to forgive me and my ancestors. I'm sorry YAH, please forgive us. I Love You! So Be It.

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