Top Ten Animals Brought Back From The Brink Of Extinction

5 years ago

Thanks to some scraps of DNA and a lot of scientific ingenuity, there's hope that some long-extinct creatures may walk the Earth again. This video will teach you about ten animals that have been “brought back from the brink of extinction.” Check it out!

The world is negatively affected every time a species gets endangered population wise and when a species goes extinct. This video gives very important and useful information that all of humanity needs to pay attention to see that we as a species can help protect the current animals that are nearing extinction. Knowledge is power; if we do not have the knowledge and are not aware of these species and how we are affecting them, we are powerless to help. That does not do anyone any good. Learning about these species is the first step.

The first species discussed in the video is the Pygmy Tarsier which is one of the smallest mammals in the world, and also the most vulnerable. For over 80 years, researchers thought they were extinct. This changed when one of these beautiful creatures was found in a mousetrap in Indonesia in 2000.

The Przewalski’s Horse is a wild Mongolian horse almost went extinct due to inbreeding with domesticated horses. It would be devastating to completely lose these marvelous animals from the face of the earth. At the turn of the century, farmers in Mongolia successfully bred the species back from extinction.

Little critter Cuban Solenodon has been seen fewer than fifty times since 1861. In the 1970s, it was believed to be extinct. However, researchers found and released one in 2003.

People all over the world have joined forces to help preserve the Giant Panda from extinction, but they are still in danger and in need of protection. There are many theories as to why this species has struggled with population so much; one of these states that the species has such low reproductive numbers because the animals literally are “too lazy” to reproduce and are more focused on food. Due to deforestation and trouble reproducing, this species almost went extinct completely not that long ago. China has made substantial efforts to create new habitats and to help the species breed; this has allowed pandas to thrive a bit more in recent years.
This is an example of how humans can turn around some of these issues if there is a little bit of time and care taken to try to help a fellow creature in the world. This is especially important since many of these species have gone extinct or neared extinction as a result of how humanity has somehow interfered with either their natural habitats or poaching or any other number of reasons.

To learn about the rest of these incredible and interesting species, keep watching this video! What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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