Matteis & Skuller Endure "Heavy Rain" [Chapter 1]

1 month ago

MSHR-1: In this first chapter of a series of videos spanning the complete run of the infamous interactive mo-capped CGI movie released on the PlayStation 3, two of The Killjoy's gaming buddies - the lovable rogue Skuller [the same bloke who did a five-fingered discount on a pirate shop in Liverpool and smuggled four VHS tapes under his thick-ass parka twenty years ago] & the champion masochist gamer in the Fratelli Oltre de Morte warband of the Death Guard [the Plague Marines of 40k], Matteis - take turns playing the same chapter in "Heavy Rain", providing two different viewpoints on how to tackle the chapter, and also provide their talents at comedy to entertain anyone who makes the wise decision to watch this run.

In keeping with the standards of this site, the nudity in this particular chapter is censored.

Video recorded in January 2025.

And before you ask, yes Matteis made the Killjoy's origami Murder Bird that came with his copy of the game into his personal pet doggie...

He named him Scotty...

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