Dead Air - Shari DeBenedetti "Ghost Hunters"

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Shari was born in Schenectady, New York and moved to Boston with her family when she was 11 years old. She graduated from Lynnfield High School and attended Bentley University.

Shari became interested in the paranormal field at a very young age as she experienced many strange and unexplained things. But it wasn't until the age of 25 that she began to research and investigate the paranormal, because the house she lived in at the time was believed to be haunted. Shari and her family had many frightening experiences there. It was so bad that she was afraid to go into the house alone, not knowing what was going to happen next. That's when she decided to start investigating with her friends and eventually formed a team. Shari wanted to help others who were experiencing paranormal activity so that they would be comfortable living in their homes.

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