Who is the "Israel of God"? - Has the Church Replaced National Israel?

14 days ago

In this video, we're going to discuss a group of questions related to Israel and the Church - questions that Covenant Theologians and Replacement Theology advocates use as proof-texts for their belief that the Church has replaced national Israel in God's program. Questions like “who is the so-called ‘Israel of God’ mentioned by Paul in Galatians 6:16? Is the Church called “spiritual Israel”? What about the idea of the Church being “grafted in”? Does this mean the Church was grafted into Israel, or grafted in to "replace" Israel; therefore making the Church the "new" Israel? Where does that leave the physical nation of Israel? Does it mean she’s been replaced due to her unbelief in Jesus as Messiah? What about all of God's unconditional, yet currently-unfulfilled promises that He made with Israel? Are they all to be instead spiritually or metaphorically fulfilled by the Church? And then what does it mean that Christians are called spiritual “sons of Abraham” in Galatians 3:7? Is this also proof that the Church has replaced Israel, or “become Israel”, yet again indicating national Israel has no prophetic future? We’re gonna try to unpack all of this today, and apply a consistent explanation of all of these passages in the way I believe scripture intended to use them.


*My Books Available on Amazon:*
❖ _The Missing Key in Dispensational Eschatology_ ▶ https://a.co/d/dcAyzNt
❖ _The Book of Revelation - A Study Guide_ ▶ https://a.co/d/6BOeUE3

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