Meet Recap! 1907 total, 3 state records and tied the 4th, S-727, B-451, D-727.

4 days ago

First meet back after a 7-year hiatus, and I couldn’t have asked for a better day on the platform! Broke 3 state records and tied the 4th, walking away with a 1907lb total, which was my main goal—breaking 1900!

Squat: 330kg / 727lbs
Bench: 205kg / 451lbs
Deadlift: 330kg / 727lbs

Took a shot at 340kg / 750lbs on deadlift, but in the heat of the moment, I forgot to chalk my hands and lost it at the top. Lesson learned—it’ll be there next time! There were definitely more pounds left on the table, but I’m absolutely thrilled with how the day turned out. Onward and upward from here!

#Powerlifting #StateRecords #1900Total #RoadTo2000 #Strength #PRs #Powerlifter #coloradopowerlifting #irontitangym

IG: Worlds_strongest_nurse

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