Hiking Ludden Mountain, Phoenix

1 day ago

Climbing trail-less Ludden Mountain in far northwest Phoenix. Great 360 views, including the Hedgpeth Hills, Pilcher Hill, Pyramid Peak, Peoria Sunrise, Calderwood Butte, West Wing Mountain, Keefer Hill, East Wing Mountain, Mount Ochoa and the Deem Hills.
Blog: http://prestonm.com/ludden-mountain/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrestonMcMurry

Twitter, @PrestonMcMurry, Blog, PrestonM.com, Hiking, Arizona, Maricopa County, Phoenix, Ludden Mountain, Hedgpeth Hills, Pilcher Hill, Pyramid Peak, Peoria Sunrise, Calderwood Butte, West Wing Mountain, Keefer Hill, East Wing Mountain, Mount Ochoa, Deem Hills, GoPro

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