EGO MORTIS / A Murder of Ego

1 month ago

Sometimes in life, the biggest battle we face is not with others but within ourselves — against our own ego. It’s not just about fighting it; it’s about completely letting go and killing that part of us that clings to pride, insecurities, and fear. Only then can we experience a true rebirth of the mind, where growth, peace, and clarity take center stage.

My friend and I just tried to bring this idea to life in a video where he symbolically kills his own face, which represents his ego. He’s fully covered in blood, embodying the raw transformation that comes with letting go of the weight that holds you back. It’s intense but a powerful reminder that freedom begins when you release what no longer serves you.

The ego and the self are not the same thing. The ego is a mental construct that creates separation and suffering. EGO MORTIS the title here refers to letting go of the false self-image and discovering your true self.

#SelfGrowth #EgoDeath #SymbolicTransformation #LetGoAndGrow

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