imagine zeitgeist

1 month ago

Imagine there’s no money
No hunger, no divide
No debt to keep us broken
No need to pick a side
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the Earth…

Imagine no possessions
No markets built on greed
No nations waging warfare
No profit over need
Imagine all the people
Living life as one…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But we’re designing the way
A world beyond corruption
Where reason lights the day

Imagine science guiding
The way we build and grow
A world that serves all people
Where scarcity won’t show
Imagine all the cities
Thriving, clean, and free…

Imagine No leaders placed above us
No systems built to fail
No media to blind us
No banks to tip the scale

Imagine all the children
Born into the new…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But we’re building the design
A future without struggle
Where human needs align

Imagine minds united
Not chained by fear or lies
A world of peace and logic
Where every person thrives

Imagine all the people
Finally awake…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But we’re not alone today
Join us in this vision
And we will find the way

Imagine if the zeitgeist movement succeeds
in accomplishing it's goal
a resource-based economy
abundance for all.

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.

You may say I’m a dreamer
But we’re not alone today
Join us in this vision
the venus project is the way

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