USAID - CEO Jeanne Bourgault "Disinformation makes money. We need to follow that money"

1 month ago

USAID-Funded Internews CEO Jeanne Bourgault pushes for global advertising “exclusion list” to censor “disinformation” at the World Economic Forum.

Like what they did to 𝕏?

"Disinformation makes money. We need to follow that money. We need to work with the global advertising industry because a lot of those dollars go to pretty bad content, and so you can work really hard on exclusion lists or inclusion lists and really try to challenge the global advertising industry to focus their ad dollars towards the good news."

Notably, Bourgault’s call for global ad boycotts coincided with a widespread advertising boycott targeting Elon Musk’s 𝕏, which has been at the forefront of defending free speech online.

USAID has funneled $472 million to Internews and $68 million to the WEF, where both groups collaborate on censoring the internet.

Is this a good use of American taxpayer funds?

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