Senator Rand Paul: Publicizing COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Could Restore Trust in Government

21 days ago

02/07/2025 Senator Rand Paul: I think overall global trust or government trust is at an all-time low, but Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can restore trust in government pronouncements and in the government by putting forward the studies. Let's expose everything about the COVID-19 vaccines. Let's present the data. Let's just be very honest.
#RandPaul #COVID19 #Vaccines #COVIDShot #RFKJr
02/07/2025 兰德·保罗参议员:我认为全球信任度或政府信任度总体上处于历史最低点,但小罗伯特·肯尼迪可以通过公开研究结果来恢复人们对政府的信任。让我们公开关于新冠疫苗的一切,展示数据,坦诚相待。
#兰德·保罗 #新冠 #新冠疫苗 #小罗伯特·肯尼迪

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