My Take On Bashar: No More Secrets

1 month ago


Levels of Consciousness Series (playlist):

Core teachings (playlist):

In this video, I offer my take on the recent Bashar session called No More Secrets.

About Sanat

My Journey (playlist):

Sanat is a long time meditator, student of esoteric traditions, and the occult. He’s a fellow wanderer on the pathless path, and he understands the importance of non-serious seriousness on the rocky road to non-duality – and beyond.

He has studied under different enlightened teachers all over the world, and he was born in the mid 300s like so many "lightworkers." He gradually descended down the scale growing up, and got to spend a few years at LOC 50 before turning his life around.

He then quickly rose up the scale to the higher 500s in a matter of 4 years, which would not have been possible without being exposed to the buddha field of a fully Enlightened teacher.

Sanat has lived all the main levels, and peeked/peaked into non-duality via longer-lasting Satoris. He therefore has an intimate understanding of the scale and levels of mind and consciousness.

His core teachings are found in his eBook Unmasking The Ego:

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