Divine Decree for Crystalline Light Consciousness with Paul White Gold Eagle #paulwhitegoldeagle 🕉

1 month ago

Paul White Gold Eagle
Divine Decree for Crystalline Light Consciousness

In the name of the Divine Creator, the Infinite Source of All That Is, I call forth the radiant frequencies of Crystalline Light Consciousness to awaken and illuminate every aspect of my being.

By the authority of my Higher Self and the eternal spark of divinity within me, I decree:

I AM a vessel of pure crystalline light, aligned with the highest frequencies of love, unity, and truth.
I AM embodying the clarity and perfection of divine crystalline consciousness in every cell, thought, and action.
I release all illusions, distortions, and lower vibrations, allowing them to dissolve into the infinite light of creation.
I anchor the energies of the New Earth within my heart, radiating balance, harmony, and peace to all beings.
I awaken my crystalline DNA, activating my divine potential and stepping fully into my soul's mission.
I call forth the guidance of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and Galactic Beings of Light to support me on this journey.
I AM a beacon of light, shining brightly in service to the upliftment of humanity and the Earth.

Beloved Crystalline Light, I now embody your brilliance, allowing it to transform and elevate my reality. As I align with this frequency, I co-create a world of infinite love, unity, and divine harmony.

So it is, and so it shall be. I AM that I AM.


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