Ear Worms 036 - Rob Madore, Drummer for P(X3) & Mono Means One

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This week we will be interviewing Rob Madore, the drummer for the bands P(X3) and Mono Means One. He is a very accomplished drummer who is a master of the acoustic drum set and a sound artist who also works with electronic percussion. His accuracy is only matched by his expressiveness.

Rob Madore

P(X3) - https://px3px3.com/
P(X3) on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@px3official
Mono Means One - https://monomeansone.com/
Mono Means One on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMeansOne


Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company: https://youtube.com/@psycheopera
Mike "Mountain Hawk" Gourley: https://www.youtube.com/@MikeMountainHawkGourley

Special Thanks to:

Mr. Brown Alliance: https://youtube.com/@mrbrownalliance


The Wayfarer Project Merch Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-wayfarer-project/
The Wayfarer Project Website: https://thewayfarerproject.com
The Wayfarer Project (Music channel): https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on Rumble: https://rumble.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on OdySee: https://odysee.com/@thewayfarerproject:8
The Wayfarer Project on Kick: https://kick.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project on BitChute: https://bitchute.com/thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project Learning: https://youtube.com/@TheWayfarerProjectLearning
The Wayfarer Project Adventures: https://youtube.com/thewayfarerprojectadventures

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