Here comes fate

1 month ago

1st full song I wrote when part of a band I was in the early 1990's. I did a complete overhaul of the words [E.Trowse co-lyricist] and music a few years later and I've given it another update on the recording of the music and vocals for this release. Gave it a name change too. yah. From the original version of the song, this version sounds nothing like it and is it's own song.

For fun I made a 5 min short movie using compositing effects with a miniature car slot set.
The idea was to shrink ourselves down to the size of the cars and bus and drive around inside my friends house during the length of the video. After watching that for about 15 sec, I found that very boring and from there new ideas started to emerge to make the video a bit more interesting .

By the time we got to the end of filming which took about 6 month due to the amount of effects and compositing required, and the infrequent times I got to my friends place to shoot scenes, I ended up with an idea for a AI interactive game, which in the end turns out to be what was really playing the game.
During the scene of me falling off the car, that was a legit scene as I set up a green screen to shoot it and I fell from the top of the table I set up and the impact of hitting the ground snapped the neck of my guitar, which you can see in the film. Slightly injured myself, but nothing to dramatic.

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