Trump is planning to create the “White House Faith Office”-IT’S SATANIC

4 days ago

“Trump is planning to create the “White House Faith Office” led by NAR Word of Faith and prosperity gospel “Pastor” Paula White

Paula White is a false teacher and has openly claimed Jesus was “the first of many Messiahs”

This appointment should be enough to stir any Bible believing Christian up into realizing what is actually happening: politicalizing the name of Jesus to achieve worldy control

The “White House Faith Office” will not be an office centered around the Christian faith. It will be one centered around the New Age faith— the soon to be religion of the “Golden Age”

These “teachers” don’t preach Jesus as the savior of man kind. They preach Jesus as a state of consciousness (“I am”)

The NAR/New Age movement has successfully deceived many by taking Christ and turning Him (Jesus) into an ‘it’ (a state of being)

Satan operates in the False Light. He uses powerful deceptions “with the name of Christ” tied to them. The discerning need to expose these things loudly and without fear of offending anyone“

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