Dr. Chris Shoemaker about Bill Gates

1 month ago

Dr. Chris Shoemaker about Bill Gates: "All of his work was unethical. When he created a vaccination syndrome in parts of Africa, who ostensibly just to keep tetanus from happening in the population. Piggybacked onto that vaccine was an actual chemicals construct to generate extra progesterone in the person so that that person would be effectively infertile. And they gave the vaccines every two years to people and they wanted to de-fertilize those dear people in Africa. And that's what Bill Gates did the first time. They've since learned even that in South America where this Zika virus thing happened. They called it the Zika virus, but in fact, they found out subsequently that was actually due to a non-appropriate or inappropriate function of, once again, something that was just going to supposedly help you against tetanus. But it created the microcephaly. It created those damaged, terrible-looking little infants being born. Once again, Bill Gates at the helm of a vaccination program. So you want to listen to Bill Gates and any vaccine program he's associated with? You, sadly are an idiot because he knows what he's doing. He knows how unethical it is. He's pretty much a eugenicist person himself by history and by family. And he is driving the world into taking something which has no business being in us unless you want to murder us, Bill. Is that what you apparently want to do? Because you're suggesting products that are murderous to the people that receive them and will be additionally murderous to the people who are sitting beside them on the bus because that's what the Japanese approval will mean."

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