David Drew: Our Divided Brain | Thunderbolts

1 month ago

The Thunderbolts Project
Feb 8, 2025
David Drew: Our Divided Brain | Thunderbolts
“Most of the great discoveries in science were made intuitively through pattern recognition—through seeing Gestalt. They weren't necessarily made by following a linear sequence. The right brain sees no conflict between science, intuition, imagination, and reason.”
— Iain McGilchrist

In his 2009 book “The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World”, psychiatrist Dr. Iain McGilchrist explores the differences between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The 'Master' and 'Emissary', respectively.

His work is especially relevant to cosmology, the study of the nature of the universe, which provides the building blocks for most other scientific disciplines. Alternative ideas, such as the Electric Universe Model of Cosmology, must counter inertia against change—which in the case of the EU Model, is the obstinate mindset of scientism.

Author and independent researcher David Drew deconstructs McGilchrist's enormous body of research on how the division between our two brain hemispheres can provide key insights into human nature—and our comprehension of the Universe.

/ @driainmcgilchrist

David Drew aka The Soupdragon

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