Divorce/Adultery ISN'T what you think. It’s Worse. Teachings of a former Modern Day Roman Centurion.

1 month ago

This video runs about an hour and 30 minutes. I’m stating this here, as I’m premiering this as a live for the fellowship, and not everybody is interested in joining long videos – but know that this is an important, and tough subject, to do a video on. I do this from time to time, talk about stuff that’s not the End of the World…although, if you don’t get this right, when the End of the World comes…lets just say, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is not my typical ‘Tribulation Watch’ video, although the closeness of the Tribulation is ‘why’ the urgency. I am guilty of this stuff myself, and I repented. Here’s why its so difficult, and deceptive…and such an effective snare.

The wages of sin is death. Any sexual sin outside of marriage is a sign of death. Recognize this sign in yourself, and repent. Turn back. Accept Jesus’s offer. He died for your sins, but you MUST accept Him. He paid your bail money, but you can turn Him down. Divorce and Adultery: bad things. But, if you accept Jesus Christ, accept His gift, Repent of your sins against your body, which means to turn away from them and have a change of mind, your sins are forgiven. AND, if you do it BEFORE the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, you get to come with us. Choose wisely, and to be wise, you must be informed. Also, choose quickly.

- MrMBB333 Youtube channel
- Abundant Life Church (Missouri) Youtube channel
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