Season 3 Episode 55: Walk Circumspectly… As Wise; Redeeming The Time, Because The Days Are Evil

1 day ago

Originally aired 2/8/25. Well, in this age of so much confusion, it appears there is good news, of course. Apparently, BIBLE SALES went up in the US by like 22% last year. Isn’t that amazing?

This surprising surge is largely attributed to the recent chaos in politics, wars, violence, and cultural division in the US and the world. All these challenges have caused many people to go back to their roots, and reestablish their faith.

But a lot of the sales appear to be YOUNG people becoming curious about faith, and to see if there is a FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH, or an ANSWER to these troublesome times.

And so, we need to understand that GOD ALWAYS uses distress to bring people back to Himself, and to cause them to search for answers in HIM. He does not necessarily CAUSE the distress, but He TURNS all things to His PURPOSES.

And so not only are PEOPLE more open than we think at this chaotic time, but YOUNG PEOPLE in particular are curious, and we MUST be READY to tell them, what THIS CULTURE REFUSES to tell them… That the BIBLE is TRUE, GOD LOVES them, and that He sent JESUS to PAY for their sins.

One of the great ways to share with someone about your faith is to TELL YOUR TESTIMONY.

And if we live the FRUITS of the SPIRIT before those around us, ONE DAY, they will believe that our TESTIMONY is a TRUE witness of God’s LOVE and POWER.

And so That’s what we’re going to talk about in this series on SETTING our COMPASS to TRUTH, so that we are READY to share the TRUTH.

I went out recently to Balboa Park and interviewed people in front of the San Diego Natural History Museum with a science survey. I wanted to start a discussion about evolution vs creation, and had a chance to talk to several people.

I used the Survey to open a discussion about the SCIENTIFIC FACTS that Support CREATION, and the LACK of SCIENTIFIC FACTS to validate the EVOLUTION MODEL. Then I explain to people what the Bible says about getting saved through faith in Jesus.

I had some very interesting discussion, and I know that God planted some seeds. Soon, we will have an episode that discusses ways to engage people in Creation Science discussions. Until then, you can watch the videos we recorded. Here are the links to the first 2 interviews:

Science Survey 1:

Science Survey 2:

Trump is continuing to ROOT OUT the DEEP STATE Policies that reward globalist partners at the expense of American economic and national security.
And of course it’s hard to keep up with all the moves of Trump’s shock and awe shake up of the entrenched, self-enriching, bloated, Deep State bureaucracies that have been on fiscal spending sprees, oppressing citizens, and ignoring National Security threats for years. These Intelligence, regulatory, international, and ancillary agencies hide behind their protective bureaucratic veil, and undermine America’s prosperity, freedom, sovereignty, and accountability to WE the PEOPLE.

And we WANT HIM to Succeed in dismantling the DEEP STATE entrenched in American Government and Policies, and to RIGHT the INJUSTICES, KEEP US SAFE from Invasion and Crime, and LOOK OUT for the SOVEREIGNTY and Interests of the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Let’s remember the preamble to the Constitution that EACH of these government agencies has SWORN to uphold for the benefit of American Citizens and co-rulers.

At the recent World Economic Forum, WEF leaders admitted that GLOBALISM and the globalist agenda, including its leaders, were the loser when TRUMP won the election.

They won’t stop their schemes, because Satan has a million alternative strategies.

We must pray for this team to be guided by that wisdom, and guarded from Satan’s traps of PRIDE, and attacks by his Deep State agents—and sometimes DOUBLE AGENTS.

We must also pray against plunging headlong into the dark traps of a technology race, or giving the tech oligarchs too much power.

Whether intending good or not, the Globalist agenda ENVISIONS a TECHNOCRACY, run by experts and technology, powered by AI, and what they believe will be SUPER AI, cutting out the manpower needed to run these systems of government.

I find it interesting that VANCE came into the Senate after working a s Venture Capitalist in the tech world under Peter Thiel, founder of Paypal and arguably one of the tech oligarch positioned today to push us into revolutionizing AI.

And so apparently, Thiel’s fear that ANOTHER MANEVOLENT government, like CHINA would develop their AI FASTER, and therefore take over the other governments of the world (by breaking encryptions, taking over systems, etc). And so to AVOID being under the TOTALITARIAN GLOBAL GOVERNMENT of our ENEMIES, WE need to rapidly develop OUR BENEVOLENT AI to do the same thing.

But the road to destruction can be paved with good intentions.
Because of Biblical prophecies, we KNOW where the world will end up—the question is how fast will it get there?

So in this tumultuous time of the LAST DAYS, ONLY TRUTH and SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT can be our guide to know what is right. Even Judas fooled the Apostles, and so we live in the Days of Deception, we must all the MORE WALK in TRUTH and Be about our Father’s Business of Saving souls.
Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

Wendy’s other Rumble Channels:

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Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:

Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

Website: My Words for HIM:

Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה

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