Ep 21 The Bible Prenup

11 days ago

Explaining how the Bible Prenup can cause the divorce rate to drop to single digits and how it can restore American families.

Remember this is just the first rough draft of the bible prenup. It's not done and still needs more tweaks for sure. I've already made more edits since filming the video. I just wanted to explain the underlying premise of the bible prenup with this draft.
It's possible to protect your family from the satanic courts by using Bible scripture,
a prenup, and confirming an agreed interpretation of the bible scripture being used.

Very important to remember the scripture is really just a basis for your belief
, but the 1st amendment specifically protects your right to interpret and practice that scripture as you see fit.The parties of the contract/bible prenup are not bound by anyone else's interpretation of a scripture thanks to the 1st amendment. So you have to clarify what the prospecitive husband's and prospective wife's agreed upon interpretation of the scripture will be
and explain how that will play out practically in their marriage.

I am not a financial advisor, legal advisor, lawyer, or any other kind of professional advisor or professional coach. The statements in the video and in this description are simply an expression of my own opinions. My statements must not be misrepresented as any kind of professional advice or aid.

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