always be you

4 days ago

My life lately, Being a mom and building an empire is literally not a walk in the part, if your a mom I’m sure you can relate to this..

If you told me 10years ago that I will have 2 beautiful children of my own and married and will give me so much love that it hurts I would never believe you.

It’s ok to not always be flashy and beautiful and aesthetically appealing on social media, I’ve learn this later on, I always thought people will always look and believe in your capabilities because you should have this and that!

Believe me when I say it will eat the crap out of you! Social media is meant to connect and socialize with people and you should never apologize for how you look. Be authentic and be transparent to people, and that’s how you will attract the ones that is meant for you to be with you❤️

To all the moms out there, you got this! And I believe in you. You can do anything you want and it will only happen if you work on it and the universe will transpire and give it back to you 10x fold❤️ have a pure heart with pure intentions!

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