Was Hitler Right? Episode 1 | Roosevelt and the American Jews (12/11/1941)

3 days ago

Its a conspiracy, the ultimate conspiracy. Was Hitler a raging lunatic or was anything he said actually true? Can world war two be overturned 80 years later? WW2 Revisionism. We weren't told about this, but you be the judge.

This is a bare bones version for starters, we can always add additional content for any future improved version. This video is relevant to Hitler's final political testament (which we have on the channel shameless plug) and many other public claims of Germany about WW2 and Jews.

In episode 1 we examine Hitler's claim on 12/11/1941 that he knows its the jews who are behind Roosevelt in declaration of war on the united states speech, originally I had recorded this for his final political testament but it wasn't sufficient enough for my liking and so I respoke the video for Hitler's 12/11/1941 claim.

To be fair this video does not take into account the speech date against the involvement of each jew dates, it'd require much research for a future ver. And we left out bankers for the future too I would think.

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